26th September marks the European Day of Languages, an event which has been celebrated every year since 2001 by the Council of Europe and European Commission.

The day is designed to celebrate and promote linguistic and cultural diversity across Europe, a continent which is home to 24 official languages, but in which over 200 languages are actually spoken!
The European Centre for Modern Languages (Council of Europe) have put together some fantastic resources for the occasion, which can be used in the classroom, at home, or just for personal enjoyment! These range from posters to challenges to jokes and quotes. You can have a look for yourself here.
We particularly love these posters which show some amazing facts about languages in Europe and across the world! They are also available in various languages at the link above.

What will you do to celebrate European Day of Languages 2022? You could:
- Watch a foreign-language film (with subtitles)
- Read a book or article in a foreign language or in translation
- Learn a few phrases of a new language
- Send a message to a friend in another language and see how they respond!
- Try/cook some food from another culture that has always intrigued you
- Have a look at the resources we’ve linked to above!
Happy celebrating! Bonne fêtes! ¡Felices Fiestas! Schöne Ferien!