Please find below an important update about the University’s arrangement for this year’s admissions tests. For the sake of comprehensive information sharing, the post includes information about all admissions tests, not just the test for Modern Languages.

As you may know, tests form one part of Oxford’s admissions process and are used alongside a range of information to help us assess candidates’ academic potential and suitability for many of our courses. We have been very grateful for your patience while we have been putting in place our arrangements for our admissions tests for 2024 and are delighted to let you know that Oxford has appointed global assessment leader Pearson VUE to manage the delivery of these tests.

All tests will be online and delivered via Pearson VUE’s established network of test centres. It remains the case that in 2024 there will be no charge for candidates to register for Oxford’s own tests. This year’s tests will take place between 21-31 October and are as follows:

  • Ancient History and Classical Archaeology Admissions Test (AHCAAT) – NEW
  • Biomedical Sciences Admissions Test (BMSAT) – NEW
  • Classics Admissions Test (CAT)
  • History Admissions Test (HAT)
  • Mathematics Admissions Test (MAT)
  • Modern Languages Admissions Test (MLAT)
  • Philosophy Test (PHILAT)
  • Physics Admissions test for Physics, Engineering and Materials Science (PAT)
  • Thinking Skills Assessment (TSA)

Individual test dates will be confirmed via as soon as possible.

Candidates for all of the above Oxford tests will be able to register themselves free of charge with Pearson VUE between 15 August and 4 October. When registering, students will be able to request the access arrangements which are normally available to them for public examinations taken in their school or college.

In 2024, in place of the BMAT, Oxford will use the Pearson VUE UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test) for Medicine, with arrangements and charges as advertised by Pearson VUE.

As in other years, candidates for Law will take the Pearson VUE LNAT, with arrangements and charges as advertised by Pearson VUE.

Detailed candidate guidance on test preparation will be available shortly via and there will be a sample test provided. Although it will not be possible for individual candidates’ sample tests to be marked, worked answers and mark schemes will be supplied, where possible. This sample test will allow students to explore the test platform and, in most cases, is likely to be based on the 2023 test paper. In the meantime, for current Oxford tests, candidates may find the existing practice materials on the individual test pages useful.

In 2024 there will be no English Literature Test for candidates for: English Language and Literature, English and History, English and Modern Languages or Classics and English. Candidates for joint schools will still need to take the relevant test for their other subject, if applicable.

There will also be no test for Geography candidates. 

Further details of these arrangements and all information will soon be publicly available via our undergraduate admissions website.

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