Tag Archives: Applying to study modern languages

History and Modern Languages Study Day!

The Faculties of History and Medieval and Modern Languages along with St Hilda’s College, Oxford are delighted to be offering a Study Day dedicated to Year 12 state school students looking to study History and a Modern Language at University/Oxford!

This event will take place on Thursday 29th May at St Hilda’s College.

People punting on the River Cherwell, St Hilda’s College

The Study Day will offer students the chance to:

  • experience academic taster sessions in both History and a Modern Language (that they are studying at A-level or in a brand-new language that they might wish to take from scratch* alongside History);
  • meet and ask questions to current History and Modern Languages students;
  • hear about the History and Modern Languages course and admissions process;
  • meet other students who are interested in studying History and a Modern Language at University/Oxford;
  • visit an Oxford college and learn more about Oxford’s collegiate structure.

Please note, students do not need to be studying History or a Modern Language at A-level in order to attend the event but must have a serious interest in studying the two subjects as a joint degree at University in order to apply.

There is no cost for attending the Study Day and participants will receive a free lunch at the college. We are committed to ensuring that students are not prevented from attending this event due to costs. Therefore, we are pleased to be able to offer financial support to students for reasonable travel expenses to and from Oxford for the Study Day.

Students who are interested in taking part can apply via this form by Sunday 27th April.

In the case of oversubscription to the event, priority will be given to applicants who are currently under-represented in higher education. More information about this and the University’s commitment to increasing access can be found here.

Any questions can be directed to outreach@history.ox.ac.uk.

* Our beginners’ languages courses offer an exciting and rare opportunity for students to engage with a new language and culture for the first time, or to pick up a language they studied at GCSE. The courses are challenging yet rewarding, with many designed to bring students up to A-level standard within the first year.

‘Try Before You Buy’ Days!

Balliol College is running a series of free ‘Try Before You Buy’ Days over the course of May and June 2025.

These are an opportunity to experience a taste of Oxford undergraduate teaching, with participants taking part in a tutorial having completed and submitted work prior to the event. Students will also take part in an admissions session and college tour with undergraduates. A free lunch will also be provided in the Balliol Dining Hall.

Balliol College, Oxford

The Days are aimed towards prospective applicants of a variety of subjects, but in terms of languages, are open to Year 12 students hoping to apply for degrees with French (starting in 2026). Under-represented groups will be prioritised for this event.

These events are in great demand so applicants must ensure that they are able to attend and can complete the work and return it by the deadline which is usually a week before the event.

More information about the days can be found here and students can register for the sessions at the links below:  

Modern Languages Summer School

Applications are now open for Wadham College‘s annual five-day Modern Languages Summer School. The residential will take place at the college, based in the centre of Oxford, from 18th to 22nd August 2025.

Summer schools are designed to give UK pupils studying in Year 12 a taste of what it’s like to be an undergraduate studying at the University of Oxford.  Pupils will take part in an academic programme, live in College, meet student ambassadors studying at Oxford, and receive information, advice and guidance on applying to university. Wadham’s Summer Schools are free and the college will provide financial support to pupils to cover their travel costs.

Wadham are delighted to be able to run these events in-person allowing participants the best experience of life at the university.  The feedback from last year’s Summer Schools was hugely positive with over a third of participants subsequently securing offers to study at the university.

“After the summer school I am much more confident that I would fit in at Oxford and feel like I am more ready to move away from home”

– Summer School participant, 2022

For Modern Languages more specifically, pupils will engage in a seminar series led by Wadham’s language tutors, including language classes in their selected language of study (French, German or Spanish) with opportunities to try other languages as beginners (including German, Portuguese and Russian). Students will complete an assignment on a main topic with feedback from tutors. Pupils will also be able to receive support from current undergraduates and from the College on making successful applications to top universities.   

A Summer School French class

For more information and to apply, click here: Wadham College Summer Schools. Pupils should be studying French, German or Spanish at A-level or equivalent to apply. Applications close on 5th May.

If you have any queries, please contact access@wadham.ox.ac.uk

Balliol College Modern Languages Taster Day 

Balliol College, Oxford is delighted to be running a Modern Languages Taster Day on Tuesday 27th May 2025, 10.15 – 15.45!

Academic Taster Days are a great opportunity for students in Year 12 to spend a day exploring a subject they enjoy and might pursue at University, meet with some current students, experience a taste of academic teaching, and enjoy lunch in the dining hall.

Balliol College

This specific event is designed for Year 12 UK state school students who are currently studying a Language A-Level or equivalent, and who intend to apply to study French, Italian or Spanish, or Modern Languages and Linguistics as a single honours (on its own) or a joint-honours (with another language/subject) degree at Oxford University. Balliol will prioritise applications from disadvantaged students and from groups which are under-represented at the university. This event will include academic sessions, admissions information, and a demonstration interview. You will have the opportunity to speak to tutors and current undergraduates. 

Before submitting an application, please ensure you can attend the day in its entirety. For many schools this event will fall in the half term holiday. The event will be held in person at Balliol College in Oxford. 

You can apply here. The deadline for applications is 5pm on Tuesday 6 May 2025.

Please contact outreach@balliol.ox.ac.uk with any questions.

Humanities Study Day for BAME Students

Oxford’s University College, Magdalen College, and the Faculties of History and Modern Languages are delighted to announce that the virtual BAME Humanities Study Day will return for 2025 on Tuesday 15th April!

This event offers UK state school students with Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic (BAME) heritage an exciting opportunity to engage with academic taster sessions from across the Humanities subjects, and also to access insight into Oxford student life and support with the admissions process.

This year, the day will open with a welcome and an introduction to the humanities subjects from current students followed by the opportunity to attend two humanities subject lectures. Students will learn more about the Oxford application process in our subject-specific admissions workshops. The day will conclude with a live student life Q&A where you will have the opportunity to ask your questions to current Oxford students from BAME backgrounds.  

Screenshot of the Q&A with undergraduates from the 2021 Humanities Study Day

For the academic lectures you will be able to choose from the following subjects:

  • Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
  • Classics
  • English 
  • History
  • History of Art
  • Modern Languages
  • Music
  • Linguistics
  • Philosophy
  • Theology

You will be able to specify your preferred lectures on the application form.  All lectures will be recorded and available to watch after the event. If you are unable to attend live on the day but would like access to the recordings and resources, then please still submit an application via the form below.  

Before attending the subject day, I had no prior ideas about attending Oxford, nor was I really interested. This was mostly because I thought Oxford was an unreachable place for someone like me, a coloured girl who does not come from a highly prestigious background, which I believed Oxford to be the opposite. Attending the study day made me realise Oxford is actually a very accessible and open place for someone of my background…

–  2023 Study Day participant

Eligibility Criteria: 

  • Year 12 
  • Black, Asian, or Minority Ethnic (BAME) Heritage 
  • Attend a UK State School (unless you have extenuating circumstances or meet several of the priority criteria listed below) 
  • If spaces are limited, priority will be given to students who meet one or more of the following: first generation in your family to attend university, have experience of being in care, are a young carer, are eligible for Free School Meals/Pupil Premium, are from an area of deprivation or area with a low rate of progression to university.

Applications are now OPEN and will close on 26th February 2025. You can apply via this online form.

If you have any questions about this event please email one of the organisers, Nuala, at outreach@magd.ox.ac.uk

Modern Languages Study Day

Study Days are a great opportunity for prospective applicants to experience life as an Oxford student for the day. Study Days will always include taster sessions for the subjects which you are interested in studying at university, but often involve information sessions on admissions, a chance to talk to current undergraduates, and a tour of the College.

Study Days are free of charge with some colleges offering additional financial support to attendees. They are open to students at UK state schools, but places are sometimes prioritised by measures of socio-economic disadvantage.

The Radcliffe Camera from Exeter College

This year, Exeter College, Oxford is hosting a series of subject days for year 11 and year 12 students attending UK state schools. These events aim to provide tailored support for students interested in exploring a range of subjects at University level.

Exeter’s Humanities and Modern Languages Study Day will be taking place on Monday 7th April at Exeter College and is open to students looking to explore any of the following University courses further: Classics, English Language and Literature, History, French, German, Italian, Linguistics, Spanish.

If you would like to attend, please register your interest here by 5pm on Monday 24th February.

If you have any questions, please get in touch: outreach@exeter.ox.ac.uk.


We are delighted to welcome prospective students to Oxford on Saturday 17th May for our annual Modern Languages Open Day. The event will be held from 10.30am-4pm at the Examination Schools, located on the High Street in Oxford’s city centre.

Modern Languages Open Day 2022
photo (c) John Cairns

This event is a fantastic opportunity for students who are interested in learning more about our language courses, or who are still considering their options, as all of our languages will be represented at this Open Day:

  • French
  • German*
  • Spanish
  • Italian*
  • Russian*
  • Portuguese*
  • Modern Greek*
  • Czech with Slovak*
  • Polish*.

*All of these languages can be studied here at Oxford from beginners’ level. 

Most of our Joint School degree subjects – English, History, Philosophy etc. – will also be represented at the event.

Modern Languages Open Day 2022
photo (c) John Cairns

Our Modern Languages Open Day is aimed primarily at Year 12 students and their parents/guardians/teachers, but Year 11 students who are starting to think about university study are equally welcome to attend.

Modern Languages Open Day 2022
photo (c) John Cairns

The Open Day will offer an overview of our Modern Languages courses and a general Q&A for prospective students in the morning*, with individual language sessions and a Q&A session for parents’/guardians’/teachers in the afternoon. Tutors and current students from the Faculty will be available throughout the day to answer questions from prospective applicants and their companions.

*Please note that, due to restricted places, only one parent/guardian/teacher may accompany each student for the morning session.

You can view the provisional event programme here.

Booking your place at this event is compulsory – you can register your attendance here. Bookings will close at midnight on 14th May 2025.

Any questions can be directed to schools.liaison@mod-langs.ox.ac.uk.

We look forward to seeing lots of you in May and welcoming you to Oxford!

Beginners’ Languages Taster Day 2025

The Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages is delighted to be running its second Beginners’ Languages Taster Day in March 2025!

Alongside our usual Modern Languages Open Day (which will take place on Saturday 17th May), this year we will once again be holding an event dedicated to our beginners’ languages courses. This event offers students from UK secondary schools in Year 12 or equivalent an opportunity to gain greater insight into our beginners’ languages degree programmes at Oxford. Students in Year 11 who are starting to consider their options for university are also welcome to attend.

The Taster Day will take place on Saturday 8th March in our main Faculty teaching spaces – the Taylor Institution Library and 47 Wellington Square. After an information and Q&A session in the morning, students will have the chance to attend taster sessions in two of our beginners’ languages.

Modern Languages Open Day 2022
photo (c) John Cairns

The following languages will be represented at the Taster Day, with academics and current undergraduates present to provide further information about the course(s) and to answer students’ questions:

  • German
  • Portuguese
  • Italian
  • Russian
  • Czech (with Slovak)
  • Modern Greek
  • Polish

Last year’s inaugural event received excellent feedback from prospective applicants and their companions:

  • I really enjoyed the taster day, it was fascinating to learn some Russian and Italian, especially Russian as it was something I had never considered before. Everyone was friendly and it was extremely well organised. I loved it!
  • The Q&A was really helpful and insightful. I didn’t think that I would enjoy today or get as much out of it as I did (I thought it would be really stuffy but it wasn’t). I think that a lot of my enjoyment was due to the planning of the day as well as how lovely and welcoming everyone who was there/helping was. Thank you for giving me this opportunity.
  • An enjoyable day – which really opened up our daughter’s eyes to a Beginners Languages degree & the benefits of studying at Oxford University – thank you.

The provisional event programme for 2025 can be found here.

To register for the Taster Day, students should fill out this form by 12 noon on Friday 14th February so we know who to expect at the event. Please note that spaces will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, and the form will close once our maximum capacity has been reached.

We are also pleased to be able to help students who are in need of additional financial support with reasonable expenses such as travelling to and from Oxford for the event. There is a space to include this information in the registration form.

Studying a language from scratch at Oxford

Our beginners’ languages courses offer an exciting and rare opportunity for students to engage with a new language and culture for the first time, or to pick up languages they studied at GCSE. The courses are challenging yet rewarding, with many designed to bring students up to A-level standard within the first year. Therefore, we would love to welcome students who are strong linguists and/or who are looking for a new challenge at University to this event.

As well as alongside a post-A-level language, most of our beginners’ languages can be studied in conjunction with subjects from the Humanities such as English, History, Linguistics, or Philosophy, for which applicants do not need to be studying a language to A-level or equivalent. With this in mind, we would also welcome students of Humanities subjects who are interested in picking up a language at University.

For further inspiration and information, below are some links to content from our tutors and undergraduates about why taking a language from scratch is so worthwhile:

  • Blog post Why study Czech?
  • Video – Branching Out: Picking up a language from scratch
  • Video – Studying German for Beginners at Oxford:

Please get in touch with schools.liaison@mod-langs.ox.ac.uk with any questions.

We look forward to seeing you on 8th March!

Free Online CPD Programme for Teachers

Exclusively for state schoolteachers and colleagues with responsibility for progression, join Trinity College for its programme which aims to provide up-to-date practical information and guidance relating to the Oxford application process and the purpose of each stage, for example, the admissions tests and interviews. ​ 

Trinity also has the broader aim of providing teachers and colleagues with guidance that will help them to support their pupils in all higher education applications, as well as those who may have the potential to apply to Oxford. 

They particularly welcome colleagues from non-selective state schools who have little or no experience of the University of Oxford, pupil progression to the Russell Group or Higher Education in general.

The programme takes place online and is made up of six 1.5hr live sessions each taking place after the school day. Whilst the programme begins in January each year, teachers are encouraged to join at any point or just for those sessions they would find most helpful. As part of this programme, a free Teacher Enrichment Residential (details below) is offered, which is also completely optional. 

A completion certificate is offered for those attending all six online sessions, however there is no requirement to do so. Colleagues are welcome to register and then join for just the preferred sessions. 

Teacher CPD programme of sessions in 2025: 

S1  Introduction to OxfordMonday 13th January 16:15 or Thursday 16th January 17:00
S2  Enrichment and raising attainmentMonday 3rd February 16:15 or Thursday 6th February 17:00
S3Personal StatementsMonday 31st March 16:15 or Thursday 3rd April at 17:00
S4Oxford Admissions TestsMonday 12th May 16:15 or Thursday 15th May 17:00
S5Teacher Reference WritingMonday 9th June 16:15 or Thursday 12th June 17:00
S6Oxford Academic InterviewsMonday 16th June 16:15 or Thursday 16th October 16:15
ResidentialTeacher enrichment: fully funded 3-night residential for colleagues to explore any particular topic of personal interest in their subject area or some aspect of their teaching practice or pedagogy, using the University of Oxford’s library collections.Easter Vacation 2026 date TBC

SIGN UP HERE and the team at Trinity will be in touch closer to January 13th with joining details. 

If you have already taken part in this programme, you are very welcome to sign up for refresher support. 

Please could you also share this email with other school colleagues who may like to take part and, of course, do not hesitate to get in touch with the Hannah Rolley (Head of Access, Trinity College) hannah.rolley@trinity.ox.ac.uk should you have any questions.  


Following our recent update about the new arrangements for Oxford’s 2024 tests, we now have more details on the Modern Languages Admissions Test (MLAT) to share with prospective students and their teachers and guardians.

This year’s tests are being delivered by Pearson VUE and the MLAT will take place on 22 October 2024. We’re working on a principle of maximum continuity with previous years, but there are some changes in what the test contains and how you take it.


The Modern Languages Admissions Test is used as part of the admissions process for all courses involving modern languages, i.e.:

The Modern Languages Admissions Test is a computer-based test which consists of 10 sections. Which sections you take depends on the course you are applying for.

There are eight individual sections for each of the following languages:

  • Czech, French, German, Italian, Modern Greek, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish

The other sections are:

  • the Language Aptitude Test (LAT), for those applying for Russian on its own, courses with Beginners’ Russian, or courses with Polish. NB. This is a change from previous years. Other beginners’ languages besides Russian and Polish NO LONGER ask you to take the Language Aptitude Test.
  • the Philosophy Admissions Test, for those applying for Philosophy and Modern Languages.

On the modern languages admissions pages you’ll find a table telling you exactly which sections of the test you need to take for the course you’re applying for.

  • Some courses require you to take two sections of the test, for instance if you’re applying for a degree in two languages that you’re already studying in the sixth form, such as French and Spanish. You’ll sit both tests over the course of an hour, one after the other.
  • Some courses require you to sit only one section, for instance if you’re applying to study a language on its own (French single honours), a language with another subject (French and History), or a language with a beginners’ language (French and Beginners’ Italian). In all these cases you’d sit the French test only. (NB: you may need to sit an admissions test for degrees with another subject such as the History Admissions Test for degrees combining a modern language and History).
  • Some courses involving a beginners’ language and another subject, like English and Beginners’ Portuguese, don’t require you to sit the MLAT at all.


Each language test is 30 minutes long. (NB: the Philosophy Admissions Test is 60 mins).

The first exercise consists of 20 multiple choice questions. In each question, you need to pick the correct word or phrase out of four options to fill a gap in a target-language sentence. They’re the same kinds of gap-fill questions as in previous versions of the MLAT that you’ll find archived on our pages. The only difference is that you’re now choosing the answer from multiple choice rather than writing it in the gap yourself.

The second exercise consists of 10 target-language sentences which you are asked to translate into English. Again, this exercise is based on the translation-into-English exercise from previous MLATs, and the sentences will be of a similar type and complexity to those you’ll find on archived MLATs.

There is no longer a translate-into-the-target-language exercise on the language tests. All your answers will either be multiple-choice or written in English.

The Language Aptitude Test (now only for Russian Single Honours and courses with Beginners’ Russian or Polish) has the same format as on the archived tests: decoding, translating and creating sentences in a made-up language from examples of sentences and their English translation. The LAT does ask candidates to write answers in the made-up language as well as in English.

All applicants taking this test are invited to practise by taking a sample test online in advance of their test day. While the content and structure of this test has changed slightly, all existing online resources and past papers are still valuable preparation for you and we strongly recommend you exploring these.


All tests will be online and delivered via Pearson VUE’s established network of test centres, rather than in schools as was previously the case. There will be no charge for candidates to register for Oxford’s own tests this year. This year’s MLAT, as mentioned will take place on 22 October; tests for other subjects at Oxford are all taking place between 21-31 October.

Candidates for all Oxford tests will be able to register with Pearson VUE between 15 August and 4 October. When registering, candidates will be able to request the access arrangements which are normally available to them for public examinations taken in their school or college. Detailed candidate guidance on test preparation will be available shortly via ox.ac.uk/tests and there will be a sample test provided, which will also allow you to explore the test platform. Answers and mark schemes will be supplied for you to check your performance.

Huge thanks go to Prof. Simon Kemp for putting these helpful notes together.