The Faculties of History and Medieval and Modern Languages along with St Hilda’s College, Oxford are delighted to be offering a Study Day dedicated to Year 12 state school students looking to study History and a Modern Language at University/Oxford!
This event will take place on Thursday 29th May at St Hilda’s College.

The Study Day will offer students the chance to:
- experience academic taster sessions in both History and a Modern Language (that they are studying at A-level or in a brand-new language that they might wish to take from scratch* alongside History);
- meet and ask questions to current History and Modern Languages students;
- hear about the History and Modern Languages course and admissions process;
- meet other students who are interested in studying History and a Modern Language at University/Oxford;
- visit an Oxford college and learn more about Oxford’s collegiate structure.
Please note, students do not need to be studying History or a Modern Language at A-level in order to attend the event but must have a serious interest in studying the two subjects as a joint degree at University in order to apply.
There is no cost for attending the Study Day and participants will receive a free lunch at the college. We are committed to ensuring that students are not prevented from attending this event due to costs. Therefore, we are pleased to be able to offer financial support to students for reasonable travel expenses to and from Oxford for the Study Day.

Students who are interested in taking part can apply via this form by Sunday 27th April.
In the case of oversubscription to the event, priority will be given to applicants who are currently under-represented in higher education. More information about this and the University’s commitment to increasing access can be found here.
Any questions can be directed to
* Our beginners’ languages courses offer an exciting and rare opportunity for students to engage with a new language and culture for the first time, or to pick up a language they studied at GCSE. The courses are challenging yet rewarding, with many designed to bring students up to A-level standard within the first year.